Thursday, February 10, 2011


The Commander Australian Fleet, Rear Admiral Steve Gilmore, took great pride in awarding Darwin based Armidale_Class_Patrol_Boat_Crew_Attack_Two with the Kelly Shield at a presentation held onboard HMAS Armidale on Monday 7 February 2011.
“This has to be the best part of my job, to reward people for what they have done, and you have, as a group, done some extraordinary things over a protracted period. The Kelly Shield is tangible evidence of the high regard which Attack Two is held across the Royal Australian Navy Fleet,” RADM Steve Gilmore said.

The shield is awarded to the Navy’s most operationally efficient patrol boat crew. Crews are assessed and marked in numerous areas including: operational efficiency/effectiveness, safety management, technical proficiency, training and personnel.
The Kelly Shield was originally presented in February 1969 by The Hon. C.R. Kelly MP, Minister for Navy.
The Kelly Shield was presented to Lieutenant Commander Gary List, the Commanding Officer of Attack Two, “I take this opportunity to thank my crew for their commendable effort over the past twelve months and express how proud I am of Attack Two. In very difficult circumstances they have excelled as a team and achieved outstanding results. The Team Works”.


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