Monday, February 14, 2011

Black Sea Fleet crews pass qualification tests

Since the beginning of training year crews of Black Sea Fleet (BSF) have been passing qualification tests; this process is an important element in every ship's preparation for combat tasks. Nineteen warships have successfully passed elements of daily activities while staying at base; three crews have proved capability to perform tasks at sea. 

In accordance with appropriate procedures, all ship units passed qualification tests under supervision of brigade commanders and various headquarters. 
BSF Commander Vice Admiral Vladimir Korolev personally checked qualification tests held by crews of the fleet's flagship Guard missile cruiser Moskva and air-cushion missile ship Samum

Officers of Navy Main HQ under auspices of Navy Deputy Commander Admiral Alexander Tatarinov inspected Guard missile cruiser Moskva, air-cushion missile ship Samum, large landing ship Yamal, and small ASW ship Aleksandrovets

All drawbacks and merits revealed during the inspection were the subject of discussion at the command conference with participation of the fleet's high-ranking officers. 

After passing tests while staying at base, the crew integration activities will be continued at sea; servicemen will improve skills in execution of appropriate tasks by an individual ship.


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