Monday, February 7, 2011

Navy behind on fitness goal

Nearly one in five naval personnel have not passed their annual Royal Naval Fitness Test, it has been revealed.
A report in The Portsmouth News showed that 83 per cent of personnel had passed the test, against a Royal Navy target of 90 per cent.
Ten per cent of personnel did not book a test in the last year, four per cent failed the test and the remaining three per cent were exempt due to "medical or logistical" reasons, the report said.
It is up to individuals to ensure their tests are up to date in the Royal Navy, with those with out of date tests not eligible for promotion.

The navy's head of physical development policy, Commander Gareth Hughes, told the newspaper that personnel were achieving everything that was asked of them and that fitness was "not an issue".
He called for 95 per cent of sailors to be up to date with their testing, and said that the fitness test should be updated more regularly.
"What is needed is a cultural change," he said. "The fitness test should not be like an MoT, it should be something you keep up all the time."


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