In the context of strained geopolitical situation in the region, Indonesia intended to hold comprehensive tests of naval arsenals, including recently acquired "strategically important" Yakhont antiship missiles which outclass anything Indonesian Navy have had before as of operational range and flight speed. Missile firings against a written-off ship are to be conducted in Feb 2011.
According to local press, six frigates were armed with eight Yakhont missiles each, ten corvettes – four missiles each. Allegedly, the works were completely carried out by local shipyard PT PAL in Surabaya; cost of each Yakhont missile is roughly appraised as $1.2 mln.
For the same geopolitical reasons it was decided to resume studying the possibility to purchase two submarines, the press reports citing Indonesia's Chief of Naval Operations. Apparently, the choice would be made among two winners of the previous non-completed tender, i.e. Korean and Russian offers.
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