"If this is possible, we'd denounce the Belavezha Accords signed by trilateral cahoot. If things are so easy, the president could denounce a number of political laws enacted by Kravchuk, Kuchma, and Yushchenko", explained the politician.
According to Tsarkov, if Russian party would not obey its treaty commitments, it could be a ground to dissolve the agreement. "If next Ukrainian leaders want to denounce the Kharkov Treaty, it would be possible only on these grounds", he said.
"There is international law though. This kind of developments is possible only with radical changes in Ukrainian political system. If communists come to power, capitalistic system would shift to socialistic one", said Tsarkov.
The MP is sure that "...Azarov also wants to denounce many things. In particular, International Monetary Fund's credit is a slipknot around his neck. Take note, those are documents signed once upon a time by Yushchenko, Timoshenko, Yatseniuk, and Stelmakh. So, plainly speaking, today's municipal housing and pension reforms, as well as other unpopular steps of the government are consequences of those contractual relations we have with International Monetary Fund".
"If our president and prime minister were forceful leaders like Lukashenko in Belarus, they'd denounce these agreements, pay off credits and never be bound to this. This is just what our communist party waits for. And if our current leadership understands that now we have to repay $81 bln debts out of raised $83 bln per year, it is necessary to break off debt relations", considers Mr. Tsarkov.
Recall that on Apr 21, 2010 in Kharkov Dmitry Medvedev and Viktor Yanukovich signed an agreement prolonging presence of Russian Black Sea Fleet in Crimea for 25 years.
Ukrainian parliament ratified this agreement on Apr 27, 2010.
Yulia Timoshenko has repeatedly opposed the Kharkov treaties. However, it should be recalled that being the prime minister she was about to prolong deployment of Black Sea Fleet in Crimea in exchange for natural gas discounts. At least, her opponents and experts told about these intentions many times.
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