"Russian fleet poses no threat; it is several times weaker than Turkish Navy. However, Black Sea Fleet has 23,000 military servicemen in Crimea, they're Russians... When you think of how many people have dual citizenship in Crimea, it becomes apparent that Russians even don't need to enter troops from abroad; they've already here, at our territory. Besides, Russian fleet countenances separatists in Crimea. So, we're talking about the threat to Ukraine's integrity", said Dzhemilev in the interview to Kyiv Post.
"Sure, over 75 % of Russian-speaking Crimeans see their future as a part of Russia. More than 80% of them are post-war settlers and their descendants. They have relatives in Russia. We understand their desire to return back to historical homeland. We also wanted to return home, took baggage and came here. But they want back to Russia along with Crimea", said the leader of Crimean Tatars.
"We see our future in Ukraine, but as autonomy. I mean we stand for the previous way of things, just like it was before deportation. In 1921 when the Crimean autonomy was established, official languages were Tatar and Russian. In 1944 our people were deported and our republic was liquidated. What we want is to return status of official language and provide our representation in parliament, at least on proportional basis... They say 'why you ask for such rights, you're only 12% in Crimea'. However, in Karelia only 9% Karelians, but it is called Republic of Karelia. Another example – Bashkiria with 30% Bashkirs. Our nation was depopulated and deported, but this do not diminish our rights", said Dzhemilev.
"Turks are our cognate nation. Visiting Turkey, I asked them for help in construction of schools. There are only 15 schools in Crimea where children can learn native language. Their number should be 10 times larger", he said.
"Generally, Crimean population is decreasing. But Tatars' annual population growth is 300-350 persons. Of course, it is explained by the fact that the rest residents of Crimea are elderly people. It has always been a zone of pensioners and officials spending their last days at villas. That's why we cannot say that Tatar population rapidly grows", emphasized Dzhemilev.
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